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在多次被外界猜測將參加經典賽後,紅雀隊內野手Matt Carpenter今天終於表態將代表美國隊出賽,另外同隊的頂級新秀Alex Reyes也表示將加入多明尼加國家隊,幫助球隊完成衛冕。



紅雀總管John Mozeliak表示,在不受傷的前提下,樂於看到選手們去參加經典賽,這對他們來說是一個很好的經驗。


王建民返美 是否打經典賽仍未鬆口
郭總極力說服 陳鴻文點頭加入中華隊
替補金廣鉉參加經典賽 柳濟國說「不」
為了經典賽 增井浩俊比往年更快調整

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FILE - In this Nov. 3, 2016, file photo, Chicago Cubs' Kris Bryant celebrates with his teammates after Game 7 of the Major League Baseball World Series against the Cleveland Indians in Cleveland. The ... 較多FILE - In this Nov. 3, 2016, file photo, Chicago Cubs' Kris Bryant celebrates with his teammates after Game 7 of the Major League Baseball World Series against the Cleveland Indians in Cleveland. The Cubs won 8-7 in 10 innings to win the series 4-3. As baseball stories go, the 2016 Cubs had it all. One last stand for David Ross, a retiring catcher who became a key figure in Chicago’s clubhouse. Loads of bright young stars, with Bryant turning in an MVP performance. An eccentric personality in manager Joe Maddon, who cemented his status as one of the game’s best managers. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File) 較少

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Associated Press | 拍攝者 David J. Phillip, File

2016年12月26日週一 台北標準時間上午2時27分

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台北?12月29日 交易日  


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5269 祥碩 2236 1595 71.33
00640L 富邦日本正2 2420 1592 65.79
2439 美律 11202 6241 55.71
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2456 奇力新 4849 2659 54.84
2881 富邦金 15015 8025 53.45
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3406 玉晶光 17188 8536 49.66
0050 元大台灣50 779 363 46.60
1582 信錦 2056 937 45.57
3008 大立光 794 340 42.82
1535 中宇 122 52 42.62
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1712 興農 4172 1590 38.11
4142 國光生 8227 3095 37.62
1527 鑽全 3058 1132 37.02
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2542 興富發 6880 2397 34.84
6412 群電 2040 678 33.24
6285 啟碁 5066 1547 30.54
3535 晶彩科 10604 3195 30.13
1215 卜蜂 5959 1767 29.65
9914 美利達 432 126 29.17
3545 敦泰 12595 3666 29.11
1909 榮成 9868 2872 29.10
1476 儒鴻 3406 975 28.63 屏東縣車城鄉無線跳蛋
8011 台通 7362 2097 28.48
9802 鈺齊-KY 4651 1285 27.63

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